Oral Presentation ARA-NSW 2017 - 39th Annual NSW Branch Meeting

Protocol for cross-sectional study examining the incidence of rheumatic immune related adverse events (RirAE) in patients with metastatic melanoma treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors  (#18)

Alana S Bruce 1 , Fredrick Joshua 2
  1. Rheumatology, St George Hospital, Kogarah, NSW, Australia
  2. Combined Rheumatology Practice, Kogarah, NSW, Australia


Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) including monoclonal antibodies to PD-1 and CTLA-4 have revolutionised the treatment of metastatic melanoma and are now being trialled in other solid organ tumours and lymphoma. The spectrum of immune related adverse events reflects the development of autoimmunity secondary to non specific T cell activation targeting a variety of organs and tissues. Rheumatic complications have been reported and include inflammatory arthropathy, myositis, PMR-like syndrome and vasculitis. Retrospective studies, mostly in the form of case series, have explored the nature of de novo rheumatic disease as well as exacerbations of pre-existing autoimmune conditions although these latter patients were largely excluded from the initial trials. The incidence of rheumatic immune complications is as yet unknown and a prospective study is required to determine the frequency and character of RirAE in a specific patient population

Aim: To further characterise the types of rheumatic diseases induced by ICIs, identify possible risk factors and examine current therapeutic approaches, with a view to the development of a treatment protocol to standardise the management of RirAEs 

Methods: A cross-sectional analysis of patients with metastatic melanoma treated with ICIs at Melanoma Institute Australia. All patients receiving treatment with anti PD-1 and anti-CTLA-4 monoclonal antibodies will be asked to complete a questionnaire designed to highlight current rheumatic symptoms, previous history rheumatic disease, management of RirAE and nature of underlying malignancy and treatment response

Results: To be presented