Oral Presentation ARA-NSW 2017 - 39th Annual NSW Branch Meeting

Muscle biopsies - A single centre experience (#23)

Queenie Luu 1 , Stephen Oakley 1 , David Mathers 1 , Gabor Major 1
  1. Royal Newcastle Centre, Bone and Joint Institute, New Lambton Heights, NSW, Australia


Muscle disorders constitute a heterogenous group of diseaes that require muscle biopsy for diagnosis and ongoing management. We report the experience from a single centre, which is the principal referral centre for the Hunter New England Region. 


A retrospective review of medical records of all muscle biopsies performed in the last five years (2012-2016) was performed.

Results / Conclusions:

Analysis will be presented in relation to biopsy technique (percutaneous needle vs. open approach), diagnostic categories, and management.