Oral Presentation ARA-NSW 2017 - 39th Annual NSW Branch Meeting

Evaluation of psoriatic arthritis: A cohort study (#5)

Diana Chessman 1
  1. Liverpool Hospital, South West Sydney Local Health District, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Liverpool Hospital has established a dedicated psoriatic arthritis clinic which aims to provide gold standard care for psoriatic arthritis using a treat to target approach. A program of research has been embedded in the clinic which aims to add to our understanding of how the disease can best be detected, monitored and treat to target achieved. These are the key unmet needs in the understanding of this disease in the current era. This talk will outline how the clinic has evolved including some of the challenges in assessing a disease with so many different domains and no clear consensus on the best tools to assess them. Data on our screening program to detect unrecognised Psoriatic arthritis in patients with psoriasis will be presented. Our efforts to better utilise patient reported outcome measures to assess psoriatic arthritis disease activity will be discussed.